Current Events Quiz #2

1. 5,000 people
2. a rope swing and a giant trampoline
3. Amazon
4. Brevity and WritePad
5. I have not been to any of the record stores listed

Long response:
1. None of my family has been affected by the storms because they do not live near where the hurricane is hitting. We were only affected by the rain.
2. I would pack emergency bags with food, water, and jackets. I would take a trip to a store close by and buy candles just incase we do not have electricity. Lastly I would get a little sleeping area ready just incase we have to go downstairs to be safer.
3. The government should fix the roads and bridges that were destroyed. The government also should help out the ones who do not have a home because of the storm. Lastly the government should fix any schools that were destroyed. Natural disasters make it hard to pick and choose what to pay for, but if we all pitch in then everyone can be happy.
4. The person who owns the house should get a little help with paying to get their house rebuilt. It was a natural disaster and it was not their fault that this happened to their home. They now have no home and no food they went from living a life to rock bottom.
5. I think that since it is getting colder and there was a warm tropical storm above the ocean the cold made the storm worse. When cold and warm air meet and then there is a storm. There was a tropical storm heading for us anyway. Even if it wasn't chilly then we would have still had a storm coming our way. Also since we are getting hotter every year the warm weather feeds the tropical storms and hurricanes. The warmer each year gets the worse the storms will get.


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