News Ethics

Using the 'Holocaust' Metaphor
The PETA (Ethical treatment of animals) let out a campaign that is comparing the Holocaust to how animals are being killed so that humans can eat them. People are contemplating if this is wrong to say or if it the truth. Some Holocaust survivors still living are very offended by the campaign that was released. It is ethically wrong to use to Holocaust as a metaphor. The Holocaust was a very scary and serious time. We cannot use it like a metaphor because it is very offensive to many people. We kill animals to eat and survive we have been doing that since the beginning. If someone doesn't agree with killing animals then they should leave meat out of their diet. The Holocaust is not something to joke around about because it is a crucial piece of history that we need to look back on and make sure it never happens again.

Publishing Drunk Drivers' Photos Don White put out a warning that drunk driving is illegal and if you were to do it and get caught your picture would get put in the news paper. Many drunk drivers are begging him to keep their name off of the news paper. Many of the drunk drivers that were arrested say the deserve the consequence, but they don't think the picture is necessary. Publishing their picture in the news paper showing everyone who lives around them that they have driven drunk before is wrong. It is an invasion of privacy to publish pictures of people without them agreeing. When getting arrested you feel bad for what you did already. The job you are applying for will see that you have been arrested before. Isn't that punishment enough? Don White is trying to stop the drunk driving completely by humiliating them in front of the people they live by. If a teen is caught drunk driving and their photo is shown it isn't just humiliating for them. The families that the kid belongs to is very humiliated too. We are punishing the whole family other than the one who drove drunk.

Naming Victims of Sex Crimes
The press doesn't know if they should interview sex victims because it might hurt them even more than they are already hurt. Elizabeth Smart a young girl was abducted and sexually assaulted. The pain was not over after she got rescued. When she was trying to settle in at home again some reporters were asking her very personal and sad questions. Many reporters don't want to put at story out if you don't know all the details, but is it the right thing to do to get all the details? I do not think it is okay to ask very personal questions to someone who is as vulnerable as a sexual assault victim. When they are finally found they need to heal and by interviewing them is just ripping that wound open again. Some victums want to talk about what happened, but I do not think interviewing them is the right thing. Even if they want to get their story out there they need to heal before they start talking about what happened again. Many sexual assault victims undergo changes in personality or moods. They are not in their right state of mind right after they have been found.


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