Current Events Quiz #2.1

1. The four US senators are John McCain, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and Susan Collins.
2. The last time North Korea shot down a US war plane was in 1969.
3. Skimmers are devices that criminals use to steal your credit card numbers from the gas pump you used. Gas stations cannot switch to chip readers because the banks only have a certain amount to give out. It would also cost a lot of money to install them into the gas pumps.
4. Target moved their hourly wage to $15 to hire more and keep the good employees working for them. They want their hard working employees to stay with them other than finding a job that will pay more.
5. British officer Robert Baden-Powell launched the worldwide movement for boy scouts in 1907.
Long Response: 
1. I have not heard anything about this topic until I read it today. I did not know this was going on between the president and the NFL.
2. I think during the national anthem you should be respectful and stand with your hand on your heart. I do not think you should kneel on one knee or sit, to be respectful you stand for the national anthem. No one should be required to do anything during the national anthem. Everyone knows what is respectful and what is not respectful. I do not see how kneeling is disrespectful they are not just sitting and waiting for the game to start. They are recognizing that the national anthem is playing and they choose the kneel.
3. I think that if they do not want to respect the country they live in they can stay in the locker room. As a fan I would like to see the team out there representing our country. If someone is hurt, then it is totally okay if they stay in the locker room. We do not want our players hurting themselves even more than they are to stand during the national anthem. I think that everyone should respect everyone else's opinion and be thankful that some of the team is standing out there for our country.
4. I do not think president trump should have gone on his twitter and finished his argument. I feel like whenever he does not get his way he goes to twitter, that's something a teenager would do. We need to resolve our arguments face to face in a peaceful way. Posting a tweet does not help the situation because if the opposing side does not agree with that tweet, then the argument is still going on.
5.  I do not think race has to do anything with this argument. I think the NFL is not happy with what trump is doing and they used race as an excuse to argue with him. I do not see how kneeling during the national anthem could be racist, but that is just me. I do not know what an african american would  feel because I am not african american. I feel that we should just face our problems head on and resolve them as soon as possible.
6. I do not know who Colin Kaepernick is. I could guess that he is a football player, but that could be totally wrong. After looking him up on google I saw that he is a colored football player. He might take it offensive that trump is making him stand during the national anthem, I do not know.


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