How to Adult

How to Adult:
1.Grocery shopping/cooking
2. Avoid running late
3. Doctor
4. Cars
5. Motivation
6. Moving

Paragraph about the topic: Moving

I would write about how to downsize on what you will be moving. When you move it is hard to make friends, so I would put tips on putting yourself out there. I would say when someone moves they always have this idea that you are still going to talk to the people you are close with a lot. The truth is when you move their life doesn’t stop they still have a job or school work to do. The bottom line is you might not get to talk to them as much as you want to, so find out when they are busy that week and reach out to them when you and the other person have extra time. The last thing is there is always something special in cities to visit. When you move you should find places to go and things to keep you occupied while you have some time on your hands.

  • Get rid of that “maybe” pile (the more time that item sits in the maybe pile the more attached you will get to it) Think of either yes or no
  • Remember to donate. If you do not wear that one shirt enough to keep it then find a place near you that takes donations. Remember that you cannot donate something that would belong in the trash. Do some research on the donation center and find out where you can drop off your things.
  • If you moved to a big city you can check out “City Socializer”: When you sign up for this app you pick social events that interest you and you go out to meet new people. There are many social events listed so whenever you feel like going out you will not have to struggle to find somewhere to go
  • Become friends with co-workers: You can move for many reasons, but if you moved for your job that can be stressful. Try to be as polite as possible and get close to your co-workers. It can be scary on the first job, but if you get close to others in your job you can hang out with them outside of your hours.  
  • Be a good neighbor: Make them cookies or say hi to them in the laundry room. After that have small talk ask them about their job or their interests to see if you guys have anything in common. Others like when you shoe interests in things they like.  If you are friends with your neighbor you will not have to travel very far to hang out with each other.
  • Go to the same weekly workout class. When you move you should search around for a gym to go to and if you go to the same workout class you could find people you see often. Just think if you see them every week you guys already have something in common. Do not be afraid to introduce yourself to them, that is the first step into showing them that you would like to be friends.

  • Send a “thinking of you”: Even if you are on a tight budget you can still send them something as small as this. When you move you start seeing things in a different way. If you are walking through the grocery store and you see a candle that was your best friend’s favorite scent, you tend to think about them at the moment. Send them a little package with a note that says you are thinking of them and what you saw to think of them. Usually when you see that object it brings back memories. Write down the memory in the note to make them laugh or smile when they see it.
  • Become pen pals: I know whenever someone says that these days everyone thinks it would be easier just to send a text than a letter. You could send a simple text to them, but when you mail them things they do not expect it like they would expect a text.
(What you put in is what you get out)

  • Find something to keep you guys talkng: You and your friend could find a TV show that would come on every week on a certain day. Both of you could watch it and text each other what you think about what is happening. Since you moved you don’t have a friend to workout with anymore. Technology just solved your problem. You could take a walk and call each other. Also you could face time and do a work out together.
10 Facts about moving:
  1. Friends become your family when you move away
  2. The average weight of stuff moved for one household is 6,000lbs
  3. About 45 million Americans move each year
  4. An average American moves about 12 times in their lifetime
  5. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 35 percent of all high school graduates and 30 percent of all college graduates move to another state within five years of graduation

  1. The third most stressful thing in people’s live after death and divorce is moving
  2. Always back-up your data from a computer if you are moving it with you
  3. Fill luggage and duffel bags with clothing, sheets, towels, and paper goods. You do not know when the moving truck will reach your destination
  4. 90% of young adults move away from home by age 27
  5. About 1 in 6 Americans move each year


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