My Top Stories of the Century

1. Wilbur and Orville Wright fly the first powered airplane (1903)

  Wilber and Orville Wright flew their first plane on the beach of North Carolina. The plane was up for 12 seconds and it flew a distance of 120 feet. They were testing who long they could stay up in the air. That was the first powered airplane. 
  This is one of the most important times in the 1900's because if we never knew how to fly a plane we would not have the transportation that we have today. We would have to build bridges over the major oceans that would take a long time to travel. Now that we have planes we can get to places in half the amount of time we used to. 

2. Structure of DNA discovered. (1953)

  James Watson and Francis Crick looked at a x-ray of a DNA and made a 3D model of it. They were the first to figure out the correct model of DNA. They later received the Nobel Prize for their discovery. 
  When they discovered the structure of DNA we finally knew what it looked like. Everyone has a unique type of DNA, but we know what it basically looks like. Recently in biology we are learning about DNA and what it looks like. I would have never learned that if they did not find out what it looked like. 

3. Women Win the Vote (1920)
  On August, 18th, 1920, the 19th amendment was made. The 19th amendment states that women have the right to vote. Before the 19th amendment the women did not have the same rights as men did.  
  This is one of the most important events in the 1900's because women finally have the same rights as men. If women still didn't have the same rights as men then I would have a different life. I am thankful for all the women who protested for having the right to vote because when I become older I will be able to vote. Men were always thought as the stronger and smarter ones, but not that the 19th amendment is in place everyone starts out equal. Women are as strong and as smart as men. 


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