CE #3.1

Short Answer:

1. Who are the owners of Austin Sports & Entertainment? Page A1 "Proposal to replace Expo Center.." Sean Foley and Andrew Nestor are managing Austin Sports and Entertainment. They co-own the entertainment center. 

2. Why did president Donald Trump remove protections from two national monuments in Utah yesterday, according to the article on Page A5 "Trump takes step to reduce national monuments"
He wants the public to be able to see and visit these national monuments. With the protection on the monuments the public cannot see them or go near them. He has taken the protection off so that we can visit them. 

3. Why will the University of Texas raise its tuition the next two years? Page B1 "UT seeks 2% tuition...." They need to raise tuition to pay facility and staff members. They also want to make the classrooms better and laboratories. Many student grow up dreaming of going to UT, so they will pay what they have to. UT has a lot of students so this raise of tuition will bring in more 
money for better education services. 

4. Who are the thee finalists for the Heisman Trophy and what school do they play for? Page C1 "OU's Mayfield a Heisman finalist" The Heisman finalists are Lamar Jackson who plays for Louisville, Bryce Love who plays for Stanford, and Baker Mayfield who plays for Lake Travis. 

5. Which of the top movies last week would you like to see and why? Page D2 "'Coco' stays on top..." I would like to see "Star Wars: The Last Jedi". I have seen the movie trailer and it really pulled me in and it ended with me wanting to see the whole movie. It looks very interesting. I also know that my mom really likes Star Wars, so I will go see it with her since the rest of my family doesn't like the movies. 

Long Response:

Read the story on page A1 "Trump's tweet raises specter of obstruction" and please answer the following questions.

1. What could have been wrong with president Donald Trump's tweet regarding the firing of Michael Flynn?The tweet indicates that Trump knew about Micheal Flynn lying  and he was willing to give him a second chance. Trump shouldn't have tweeted and just fired Flynn. 

2. Do you think that Trump knew what was going on with Flynn before he fired him?
I think Trump knew that Flynn had lied before he fired him. Later on Trump fired Flynn to show that he does have some sort of power over his workers. 

3. Do you think that Twitter is an appropriate place for a president to be waging battles against his opponents?I think it is childish to go on a social media and talk bad about someone. The whole world can see what he says and social media isn't the best place to put it. When you post something no one hears the attitude in your voice or the sympathy. People assume things and that gets us to where we are today. 

4. What do you think Twitter should be used for?
I really don't see a point in Twitter. The only thing I could find useful with it is for daily reminders. An example would be the whole Bowie soccer team would be "following" this soccer account, then she would post a reminder about practice or a game. 

5. How should people get their news?
People should get their news from the newspaper or the news channel. I don't see the point in putting it on social media because it freaks the public out and we don't need to know every single detail. We aren't the president and we don't work in the office. 

6. Is a social media site something you can trust to
 give you real news?
I usually do not trust a social media sight for news. I see the "news" and then I look up on the internet if it is real or not. I usually just let the "news" posted on social media slide by. I don't think anything of it because more than half of the time someone is posting this news to get more likes or followers. 


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