
1. Who were the sources?
My sources were Enrico Rizzo, Carol Rizzo, and Donna Barber.
2. Summarize in 1-3 sentences the story:

My grandfather, Enrico Rizzo was diagnosed with Guillain Barre Syndrome. His immune system attacked his nerves which left him with minimal movement. During this experience his family members were very worried and upset. 
3. How many paragraphs is the story?
There are 34 paragraphs. 
4. How many words is the story?
There are 998 words. 
5. How many direct quotes are there in the story?
There are seventeen direct quotes. 
6. How many different people are quoted in the story?
There are three different people. 
7. Which quote is the most impactful of all the ones included?
The quote, "Some things you just don't want to remember," is the most impactful quote. 
8. Where is that quote located in the story (beginning, middle, end)?
The quote is located at the end of the story. 
9. Does the lede effectively capture the readers attention?
The lede puts you in the shoes of Enrico Rizzo and what he saw as he was in the hospital. 
10. If their could have been one additional person interviewed for the story, who would it be?
I would have interviewed Rick Rizzo who is Carol and Enrico's son. 
11. Is the story objective, which means are all non-direct quotes statements of fact and NOT the opinion of the writer? Yes
12. Are there any unanswered questions that you have after reading the article?
What caused Guillain Barre Syndrome? What did he do in his therapies? 
13. Write a headline to go with this story:
A Survivor Spreading Happiness14. Sum up your opinion of the story:
This story shows how hard it is to have Guillain Barre. It shows the impact that it has on the family of the patient too. 
15. Give yourself a self grade from 0-100



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