Final Exam Part 2 (Story #2)

WHO: A shoplifter Timothy Milan died
WHAT: Milan was caught in his act of shoplifting and resisted handcuffs
WHERE : Panzer Department Store
WHEN: Last Saturday
WHY: One of the bystanders put Milan in a headlock
HOW: There was a lack of oxygen to his brain
Police spokesman Michael Williams:
*"It was a case of excusable homicide."
"The gentleman who held onto Milan was just being a good citizen."
"Milan should never have run from the guard, we believe he had a run in with police in the past."

Panzer's Department Store manger Paula Smith :
*"We are sorry for the death of the young man, it was never our intentions for these kinds of things to happen."
"We contract out the guard services and we abide by their policies"
*"We are currently looking at revising our policies regarding shoplifting and how we keep these kinds of things from happening."

Timothy Milan's father, Eric Milan:
*"We plan to bring civil charges against the man who did this to my son."
"Our lawyers are already filing papers and we encourage the courts to revisit this ruling from a criminal perspective."
*"My wife and I are just in ruins over this. He was our only child and he had never had problems with the law."
Eye witness Sherry Carter:
"We saw him start running and the guard was right behind him."
"We went outside to see what was going to happen and we saw the boy get dragged to the ground."
*"They were fighting alright, but it looked like all four of them were pulling at him and he finally stopped moving."

Shoplifting Story: 
  A nineteen year old boy Timothy Milan was caught shoplifting last Saturday. Police and bystanders caught up to him and put him in a head lock while he was resisting handcuffs; therefore Milan did not have enough oxygen going to his brain which resulted in him dying on the scene. 

  "My wife and I are just in ruins over this," Timothy Milan's father, Eric Milan said. "He was our only child and he had never had problems with the law."

  A guard caught Timothy shoving two sweaters down his pants and then try to leave the premises without paying. 

  "We are currently looking at revising our policies regarding shoplifting and how we keep these kinds of things from happening," Panzer's Department Store manager Paula Smith said. 

  The guards chased Timothy and so did some other bystanders on the scene. They caught up to him and put him in a headlock to keep him from resisting handcuffs. 

  "They were fighting alright, but it looked like all four of them were pulling at him and he finally stopped moving," Eye witness Sherry Carter said. 

  Once the handcuffs were put on Timothy he collapsed. A little after he was pronounced dead they did an autopsy which found out he died from a lack of oxygen to the brain. 

  "We plan to bring civil charges against the man who did this to my son," Eric said.  

  No one was charged of a crime that was involved in stopping Timothy from resisting.

  "We are sorry for the death of the young man. it was never our intentions for these kinds of things to happen," Smith said.

  Overall the police station will learn from this event and move on from it. Timothy was kicking, punching, and even trying to bite the people bystanders.

"It was a case of excusable homicide," Police spokesman Michael Williams said.
(309 WORDS)



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