CE #4.3

1. What percentage of the Dow Jones industrial average was lost in Thursday's market trading? (I don't want a pure number, but the percentage). Page A1 "Dow plunges another 1,000 points"
Dow dropped 10 percent in his industrial average. 
2. What hashtag are many teachers and their supporters using to fight back against Empower Texans? Page A1 "Teachers use Twitter to swat...."
They use the hashtag #blowingthewhistle. 
3.What does "net zero" mean? Page B1 "Habitat builds 'net zero' homes"
Net Zero means having a house that runs on solar power and other powers so that the light bill will not cost a lot. 
4. What will Pepsi start selling in an attempt to grab more sparkling water sales? Page B6 "PepsiCo takes on Lacroix..."
They are making a sparkling water called "Bubly" and it will come out at the end of February. 
5.Which of the four phones features on page SA3 would you be interested in owning? Why?
I would be interested in the iPhone X because it has an amazing camera. It also uses a lot more of the screen. The only bad part is that it has face recognition. I don't feel safe having that. 
Long Response:

Read the story on page SA1 titled "Video gaming disorder to be labeled a disease"

1. Summarize the reading in a couple of sentences

Video game addiction has been added to the top diseases for this year. Many people are working together to get insurance to cover this disease. A way to help is to save video games for the last thing on your list to do. If you wait you will get things done faster to get to that prize. 
2. What are the indications of the disorder, according to the article?

The indications of this disorder are not being able to stop playing. Some people say its such a good game that they can't stop until they die. Another indication is that you replace your normal activities with playing video games. It is a way to escape the real world. Lastly they will keep playing even though they are getting all this negative attention from it. 
3. What is an addiction, according to the article?

The article says, "An addiction is not defined by the substance, but by the compulsion to do something." The article is saying you can't blame the thing you are addicted to you have to blame yourself because you did not stop and think before you got addicted to it. 
4. Do you think video games are a serious problem?

I think video games are a big problem and we need to limit video game time. My brother has a really hard time shutting down his video game to do work. Now my mom makes him do his work before he gets on video games. He has to understand the content before he can play his life away in his games. 
5. Do you play video games? If so, what are your favorites (asking for a friend, lol)

I do play video games. I like to play Mario Kart 8, Rocket League, Call of Duty Zombies, and Fortnite.  Mario Kart 8 and Rocket League are more kid friendly than the others I listed. Call of Duty and Fortnite are when you are trying to kill someone or something with guns and weapons. 
6. Do you have friends who you think might be addicted to video games?

I do not have any friends that are addicted to video games, but I do have a brother who is addicted to video games. His life revolves around video games and it is really hard to catch his attention for a period of time. He also doesn't care how bad his homework is he just rushes through it to get to the video games. My mom always stops him before he can turn it on and makes him fix his work. 
7. What are some solutions, according to the article.

According to the article, one solution is to put a time limit on your playing time. I know that it works part of the time. I make myself have a time limit on the weekends and once I run out it is hard to get off. I just turn it off and do homework to keep me busy. 


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