CE #5.1

1.  When is the "March for Our Lives" scheduled to occur in Washington according to the story on page 1 "Trump backs stronger gun background checks?
It is planned to happen on March 24th. 
2.  What was the name of the gun shop that sold accused shooter Nikolas Cruz his weapon? Page A6 "Shooting puts pressure on Florida lawmakers" (hint: check the sidebar)
The gun shop that sold the gun that Nikolas Cruz used was called Sunrise Tactical Supply. 
3. What two other UT departments will receive money from Rick Church, besides the band? Page B1 "Keeping the music going for Longhorns"?
The engineering department and the gas industry department. 4. What are the top-3 teams in total medals at the Winter Olympics? Page C5
Norway, Germany, and Canada. 
5. What is at the heart of the success of the movie Black Panther, according to the story on page D6? (hint: I am looking for a very specific term used multiple times in the story)
The heart of success of the movie Black Panther is "bona fide blockbuster."
Long Response:

Read the story on page SC1 "Solution to smartphone addiction"

1. What is the company called that is making the cell phone pouches?

The company that is making cell phone pouches is called Yondr. They are making cell phone pouches that lock up your phone when you are at a social event. It helps you stay engaged in what is happening around them. 
2. How many American high schools are using them?

Over 600 school are using these cell phone pockets to get rid of the phone problems in the classroom. When students enter the room they drop off their device into the pouch which hides it and keeps it out of reach. Students are then more engaged with what is happening in the classroom other than what is on their phone. 
3. What is the concept behind the pouches?

The pouches keep the phone out of sight from the user. It will help them forget about it and live in the moment. Without their phone they can focus better and be more engaged in what is happening right now. It will make people happier because having a cell phone can cause extra stress and anxiety. 
4. What were some of the side effects of the pouches at San Lorenzo HS?

In San Lorenzo HS the students are now talking to each other and the hallways are louder. Getting the pouches made the students talk to each other. Now the students are stress free and they are making new friends without texting and liking their photos. 
5. After reading the story, what situations do you think pouches would be useful?

I think that in class the pouches would be useful because in most of my classes I sit next to someone who is using their phone and they are not listening to the teacher They are just surfing through the web while knowledge is going in one ear and out the other. 
6. What would you think if Bowie started using them?

I would really like Bowie to start using them because it would personally help me focus in class. I do listen to music when I am doing things that don't involve reading, but I know some people listen to music 24/7 and they are never doing their work. I think that overall the students at Bowie would not like these pouches, but it would help a lot of the students that do not realize that their phone is hurting their grades. 
7. Do you think there will be a response to cell phone use in the future, for example, will there be a time when people don't use them like we do today? What impact would that have on the world?

I think that we will still use cell phones and I do not think anything positive will come out of using them. We need to start doing something like how Yondr is making cell phone pouches. We need to experience the world and socialize with people before we will not be here anymore. 


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