Magazines Pt. 2

1. Early Magazine Cover
One main attribute to using a Early Magazine Cover is they show you what will be inside the magazine. You don't have to flip through the magazine to find the page. Also it was very informative and let you know what the title of the magazine was.
2. The Poster Cover
These posters would draw in people because they were so beautiful and then people would want to read what is inside the magazine. It was like a painting on a magazine which would draw in people. It also listed the title of the magazine so you know who produced such a pretty picture. These pictures are meant to make you think I wonder what they are going to write about in this magazine that coincides with the picture I am looking at.
3. Pictures Married to Type
This is a mix of one and two. It would draw people in with their beautiful over and it would tell you what is in it. It also made the title of the magazine bigger so that people could read it while walking by. These photos in the back were still drawings and they were not models being shot yet.
4. In the Forest or Woods
This shows the person with a HUGE title maybe even bigger than the brand name. It also shows what are the main things that will be in the magazine on the cover. It does not show all of the articles though because they are trying to keep the text as simple as they can. No one wants to stand there for 15 minutes reading about what they are going to read about if they buy the magazine.


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