Current Events #6.2

Short Answer:

1. How many people can the San Isidro border inspection station hold? Page A1 "U.S. continues to bar caravan

San Isidro border can only fit about 200 people in the station.
2. Give two reasons that Thomas Homan is stepping down as the action ICE position? Page A4 "Controversial head of immigration agency..."
He felt sidelined by his boss Donald Trump and he was not invited to any of the meetings that took place.
3. What is "clubstacking"? Page B1 "Tactic, ideology questioned in Central Texas race
Clubstacking is when you mess with the ballots and it is not a silent election.
4. What type of business gets the greatest fiscal impact from the ACL fest? Page B5 "ACL Fest boosts Austin to the tune of ..."
Angelou Economics get the greatest fiscal impact from the ACL fest.
5. How much money did Avengers: Infinity War make this weekend (approximately)? D2

The Avengers: Infinity War made 250 million dollars. 
5a) Have you seen it and if you did, did you like it?
I have not seen it.
Long Response:

Read the story on page SC1 "Why more school districts are holding class...."

1. Summarize the story in a paragraph.

Some schools are shortening the week to 4 days to recruit more teachers. This has a positive impact because there are most students showing up. The negative impact is that working parents need to pay for childcare on the one day that the cut.
2. What are some of the advantages to four day weeks, according to the article?

Some advantages are that the students show up more because it is a shorter week. Also more teachers would like to work 4 day weeks other than 5. 
3. What are some of the disadvantages to a four day week, according to the article?

Some disadvantages are that the parents of the children will have to pay more money for daycare. Another disadvantage is that there are more schools switching to 4 day weeks and so their school isn't any different from others.
4. Would you be in favor of only going to school four days a week? Why?

I would not be in favor of only going for four days because that means that they need to cram more knowledge into us before the week is over. There will be so much homework that you will need that extra day just to be able to finish the homework by Monday.
5. What kind of changes would you make in your life if you only had to go to school four days a week?

I would focus more in school and make sure that I understood the content that is being taught because we are losing a day that can help me understand the subject just a little more. I also would procrastinate more because I would have an extra free day to do whatever I wanted.
6. What do you think your parents would say about a four day week?

I do not think that they would support that because my mom is a sub and she would be having less and less days to sub if they took away one day from the week. Also I think that my dad would feel that he would have to take off more often to hang out with us. 
7. How would you deal with longer class days, for example, schools on a four day schedule often begin at 7 am and end 5 pm.? I would not be able to do that because that is way too long of a day. I would feel trapped at school. I like the school days we have at Bowie we get out at a decent time. I would not want to take a day from our week. 


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