Dispatch Issue #5

Austin package bombs deliver violence to doorsteps
First: write a two sentence summary of the story.
There was bombings in Texas that looked like packages. People who live around the bombings have now been aware of their surroundings.  
Second: answer the following questions:

1. Who was quoted in the story?
Mateo Huerta
Mark Robinson
Aaron Bryant
Emily Robinett 
2. What quote was the strongest in your opinion?
The strongest quote for me was, "It just made me very much more aware of my surroundings and I think it's made me much more connected to the people around me. Because when I was leaving theater rehearsal whenever the unrelated event at Goodwill happened, I remember calling everyone and checking in, and there was such a strength formed in the caution we were taking for each other so that was kind of different," Emily Robinett said.
3. Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading?
The lead did want me to keep reading. 
4. Was the conclusion a quote or a statement?
The conclusion was a quote. 
Chat with Nat, Are Chromebooks restrictive for the right reasons?
First: write a two sentence summary of the story.
A student named Natalie Aman realized that chrome books are restricted for the good of the school. Our devices should be used for educational purposes other than personal reasons. 
Second: answer the following questions:

1. Who was quoted in the story?
Natalie Aman was quoted in the story
2. What quote was the strongest in your opinion?
The strongest quote was, "As I was walking to class, I heard someone mention how it wasn't fair that we can't watch Netflix on our Chromebooks. Being a Netflix enthusiast myself, my automatic internal response was to agree with the girl, but after thinking a second longer I realized that maybe it isn't so silly to have restrictions on our "new toys"," Natalie Aman said. 
3. Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading?
The lead did not really catch my attention of what the story was going to be about, but the title did. 
4. Was the conclusion a quote or a statement?
The conclusion was a statement.
Woman affected by shooting years later
First: write a two sentence summary of the story.
Susan Nelson was having dinner with a friend when she was held at gunpoint by a teen who was temporary living in the house at the time. After she got shot in the shoulder and the back of the head the road of recovery was long and hard. 
Second: answer the following questions:

1. Who was quoted in the story?
Susan Nelson
2. What quote was the strongest in your opinion?
The strongest quote in my opinion was, "There is not one day that passes that I do not remember and think about it. That I do not miss my friend and grieve for his parents of [that] I don't question, 'Why me? Why did I live? What's next? Am I OK?' I have lots of questions," Nelson said. 
3. Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading?
The lead sentence did want me to keep reading. 
4. Was the conclusion a quote or a statement?
It was a quote.
Freshman makes time for tech theatre and speech
First: write a two sentence summary of the story.
A freshman names Alyssa Shumaker is part of the theatre company and the speech class. She has been working hard and succeeding in both. 
Second: answer the following questions:

1. Who was quoted in the story?
Alyssa Shumaker
Hannah Huerta
Joe Morales
2. What quote was the strongest in your opinion?
The strongest quote was, "She has a good attitude which I think is the most important tool to have to be successful," Huerta said.
3. Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading?
The lead sentence did make me want to keep reading because it was very descriptive. 
4. Was the conclusion a quote or a statement?
The conclusion was a quote. 
New Change in UIL districts
First: write a two sentence summary of the story.
There will be more competition in UIL districts next year. All of the different sports will face new challenges with the harder competitors. 
Second: answer the following questions:

1. Who was quoted in the story?
Jeff Ables
Miguel Saenz
Samuel Degelia
Kathrine Cole
Celester Collier
2. What quote was the strongest in your opinion?
The strongest quote was, "Playing in those close games is really exciting. The whole team fights together," Cole said. 
3. Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading?
The lead sentence left me wondering what competition is coming to Bowie soon?
4. Was the conclusion a quote or a statement?
The conclusion was a quote. 
AISD doesn't truck around Students don't feel as encouraged to eat healthy after district's new attempt
First: write a two sentence summary of the story.
The "Nacho Average Food Truck" has tried to get kids to be excited to eat healthy. This has not worked and now the school is questioning on getting rid of the truck all together. 
Second: answer the following questions:

1. Who was quoted in the story?
No one
2. What quote was the strongest in your opinion?
There were no quotes
3. Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading?
The lead sentence did not make me want to keep reading. 
4. Was the conclusion a quote or a statement?
The conclusion was a statement.
the Mental Stigma
First: write a two sentence summary of the story.
Many of the students and faculty around the world have been trying to recover from the school shooting in Parkland, Florida. Some are suffering with mental illnesses and they choose to keep it inside. 
Second: answer the following questions:

1. Who was quoted in the story?
Mark Robinson
Susan Leos
Avila Dye
Alex Rudy
2. What quote was the strongest in your opinion?
The strongest quote in my opinion was, "We tend to hide from [mental illness] or not admit it because of the stigma that comes with the label. We need to support mental health programs and wellness." Robinson said.
3. Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading?
The lead sentence did make me want to keep reading because when I heard of the florida shooting it was as if I was hit with an aching pain in my chest.
4. Was the conclusion a quote or a statement?
The conclusion was a quote. 


1. What is your favorite photo in the entire paper?
My favorite photo in the paper is the photo of Anika Scoma whens he is calling out names of the victims.
1A. Why is this your favorite?
This is because it plucked my heart strings to see how much people care even when it is not happening to them.
2. What is your least favorite photo in the entire paper?
My least favorite photo is in the story of, "Congressional team dominates competitors. 
2A. Why is this your least favorite?
This is my least favorite because it does not look very good and it is hard to see why they made them all pixelated.
3. If you were a photographer on staff, which event/photo assignment would you have liked to do for this issue? You will need to look through the entire paper and see the topics covered and decide which one you think would have been fun. I would have liked to do the celebrating the no place for hate parade. This is because it was all fun and I absolutely love the lighting of that day. 

4. Overall, how would you rate the photography in this issue? What were the strong points and weak points.
The photography was really good and the stuck with most of the photography rules. 


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